About WillGo

We are a black owned design studio committed to destroying racism.

WillGo was founded on the gaps identified from over a decade of anti-racism workshop facilitation and separately over a decade of design thinking and design sprint facilitation. Awareness of inequities does not instantly bring action. Utilizing design thinking is not a true blank canvas due to an oppressive system. We created a new approach we call Culture-Driven Design.

Our goal is to use Culture-Driven Design as a tool to destroy racism. We pack years of experience with social justice and innovation into activities, workshops, tools, and training. The services, environments, and products we help businesses and organizations create will ultimately shift beliefs and attitudes through the action of solving individual, structural, and systemic oppression.

Destroy racism now.
Today is the day you assess what it will take for your business to create a product, service, or environment that closes equity gaps.
Start Now